Free Autodesk® Character Generator , former Project Pinocchio released


Free Autodesk® Character Generator , former Project Pinocchio released

3d and animation technology leader autodesk released a free 3d character generator named Autodesk® Character Generator , former Project Pinocchio. The Free Autodesk® Character Generator online tool is available at the following link :

Autodesk® Character Generator is a free online tool that allow the user to build it’s character model and customize it with various dresses, body features and accessories. The Autodesk® Character Generator free version can export the customized 3d character model in very low (crowd) and low polygon count version, the exported model is available in Maya or Autodesk FBX format.

002-Free-Autodesk-character-generator-online-tool-news-released  To start using the free Autodesk® Character Generator online tool you need to register a free account on autodesk website and sign in.

You can read more about the free autodesk character generator by heading to the autodesk’s product page. The notable online creation tool features listed in the page are models blending, skin, eye and hair control, saving character dna system and out of the box compatibility with autodesk animation and modeling suite.

A quick look to the Autodesk character generator free version versus paid table resumes the different features available to free and paid users, paid features are available by using Autodesk’s Cloud autodesk character generator free versus paid available features chart

I plan to test this new character generation free tool as soon as possible and test its out of the box integration with unity game development engine, am i really interested in the skelton format and i plan to write a workflow tutorial to import character models from the Autodesk character generator into Unity Mecanim animation system. If the importing process proves to be painless this can be a great resources to fast prototyping of critical game assets as character models and animations, i hope to test it with the current Unity version in the next weeks.

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